Fixations & Fasinations

R.M. Davis
2 min readJan 18, 2022




Can you call in my next interviewee…

Any day now, I plea!


Lazy, good for nothing…


Welcome to Fixations & Fascinations:
Your one-stop-shop for anything from
Electrostimulation to auto-asphyxiation!
We are the worlds leading supplier in taboo situations,
and working hard to cut down our byproduct
of residual humiliation.

But before we begin, may I offer you a drink?




Jesus… I’ll take a black coffee
and for the boy, a shot of… ink?
Wow son, that is quite the kink!
I’ve heard of consuming inanimate objects,
but this is one I have yet to bethink!

Now, let’s see here… This is quite the résumé!
You say here you worked four years
with not just furries, but all sorts of role-play.
You’ll likely be hearing from us by the end of the day,
but I do have to ask you,
What are your thoughts on moral decay?

A hoax you say? I couldn’t agree more!
Those PC, goody two-shoed puritans…
Who are they calling a whore!
They’re the ones that live their lives only to realize they wanted more.
But then again, if that’s how they feel now,
I’m glad they haven’t seen behind our closed door!

Being here for the position you are,
I assume you’re fine with what lay behind,
a mindset here at F&F surely to get you far.
This world is a place we love to deface
So if not us,
Who’s supplying those hedons with a means to embrace?

If you have nothing for me, I think that’ll do it!
It was a pleasure to meet you,
This was recorded and my team will review it.
But before you go, see that jello?
Mind pushing your hands through it?
What!? Everyone got their thing!
It’s only weird if thats how you view it…


— SLAM —



Send in the next one!!!



R.M. Davis

Mainly post poetry. Tends to lean towards the depressing side. Occasional attempts imploring my gallows humor. Likely an undiagnostic nihilists…